Line & Curve user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <WinAPIGdi.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_WinAPI_AngleArc Draws a line segment and an arc
_WinAPI_Arc Draws an elliptical arc
_WinAPI_ArcTo Draws an elliptical arc
_WinAPI_DrawLine Draws a line
_WinAPI_GetArcDirection Retrieves the current arc direction for the specified device context
_WinAPI_LineDDA Determines which pixels should be highlighted for a line
_WinAPI_LineTo Draws a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point
_WinAPI_MoveTo Updates the current position to the specified point
_WinAPI_MoveToEx Updates the current position to the specified point
_WinAPI_PolyBezier Draws one or more Bezier curves
_WinAPI_PolyBezierTo Draws one or more Bezier curves
_WinAPI_PolyDraw Draws a set of line segments and Bezier curves
_WinAPI_SetArcDirection Sets the drawing arc direction